Blog :


Train Your Brain 脳を鍛えます

2021-09-03 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price



To become a dancer you will spend many long hours in the studio training your body to make it strong and flexible, but don't forget, you must also train your brain.

Train Your Brain

Here are some ways you can do that. 



Watch Other People

Watch other people dance.

When you are dancing certain areas in your brain are being used. When you watch someone else dance those same areas of your brain are activated.

So, it's good for your brain to watch your teacher demonstrate the choreography or to watch another dancer perform choreography that you are learning.




Mark the Choreography

Mark the choreography.

Marking the choreography gives your brain a chance to process the order of the steps and the dynamics of each movement. A study done at the University of California found that dancers who take time to mark the choreography perform better than dancers who only practice full out. 




Use Your Eyes and Proprioception 1

Use Your Eyes and Proprioception 2

Use your eyes and your proprioception.

Mirrors in the studio can be used to correct your positions. When you look in the mirror you are getting information through your eyes. After you have done that take a moment to close your eyes and feel the correct placement. This will train your proprioception.




Looking in the Mirror is Not Ideal

Take a Video

Take a video.

Using mirrors to watch yourself move is not ideal because your head and eyes will not be placed properly. It is better to ask a friend to take a video of you dancing. When you watch the video you can really concentrate on seeing how you are moving and thinking about how you can improve.




Use Imagery

Use imagery.

Use imagery to remember the order and dynamics of a dance. This is especially useful with contemporary dance because it doesn't have names for all the steps. 




Keep a Journal

Keep a journal.

Write notes about the choreography and the corrections your teacher gives you. Taking the time to do this will give you a chance to think through the dance. Read your notes before the next class or rehearsal.




Visualize yourself dancing.

Find time to close your eyes and imagine yourself performing the dance. When you think about doing a dance your brain is working in the same way as when you are actually doing the dance. It helps if you can play the music for the dance as you visualize it. Imagine yourself performing better than you did in class. Next time you do the dance you will feel an improvement. 








Edward C. Warburton. "The Cognitive Benefits of Movement Reduction: Evidence From Dance Marking" University of California (2013)

Todd Rosenlieb. "A 4-Step Method to Help Your Dancers Learn Choreography Faster"  Dance Teacher magazine (2017)

Jim Lohr. "Can Visualizing Your Body Doing Something Help You Learn to do it Better?"  Scientific American (2015)


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プラネット・ダンスPlanet Dance videos from The Place

2021-09-01 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price

















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どうコンテンポラリー・ダンスがバレエに役立つか?How does studying contemporary dance improve your ballet?

2021-08-31 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price

Here is a video blog I made 5 years ago. I think it is still relevant so am sharing again.




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バレエ・クラスのためのウォーミングアップ。Warm-up for ballet class.

2021-08-27 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price

(Scroll down for English.)



・ 足を肩幅くらいに開き垂直に立ちます。


Don't use the plie and tendu exercises to warm-up. These first exercises of class are far too important for that!

If you prepare yourself before class, and really start learning from the very first exercise at the barre you'll find your technique improving at a faster pace.

Here is the warm-up and preparation students should be in the habit of doing before every class. It takes about 20 minutes to do properly but can be done fairly well in 10 minutes.

There are 3 parts:
1/ Blood
Raise your body temperature and get your circulation going. The easiest way to do this is to jog around the studio for a minute or two.

2/ Body
Help your body make the transition from regular life into the ballet world.
     - Water fountain: With feet parrallel and slightly apart feel as though a water fountain is coming out of the floor between your feet, passing up through your body, and out the top of your head and up to the ceiling (or higher). The water then pours down the outside of your body. Your center line is actively lifting up while your surface muscles are relaxed.
    - Barber Shop Poles: Rotate your legs outwards from the hip joint to achieve proper turnout. Imagine that each leg is a barber shop pole constantly rotating and spiraling outwards.
    - Perform some simple steps such as plies, tendus, rises, ronds de jambs, and ports de bras. Do them slowly and thoughtfully.

3/ Brain
Review exercises and choreography that you are currently working on and will be repeating in this class. Go over the corrections your teacher gave you in the last class. Decide what your personal goals for this class are.

Please note that I do not include stretching in the warm-up. Stretching may feel good but it does not prepare your body for class. In fact, after stretching, muscles do not respond as quickly to messages from the you won't dance as well if you stretch before class.


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なぜバレエを勉強する生徒がコンテンポラリーを難しいと思うのか?Why do ballet students find contemporary class hard at first?

2021-08-26 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price

Here is a video blog I made 5 years ago. I think it is still relevant so am sharing again.




Here's a brief summary of the dancers' comments in English:


Many ballet students don't like contemporary class in the beginning because it is a "different world". 

Often they must work with their weight off center and be off balance.


Ballet has a set technique and set steps. Now the students find themselves in a class where there seem to be no rules. They go from a world where 2+2=4, to a world where 2+2=endless possibilities.


In ballet you don't have to create the movements yourself. In ballet class you feel safe because everyone is doing the same dance.


When I go onstage I want to wear a beautiful costume. That is one thing about classical ballet that I love. 


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Train Your Brain 脳を鍛えます

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バレエ・クラスのためのウォーミングアップ。Warm-up for ballet class.

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