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トゥシューズ 左:1860右:1914
Why do ballerinas dance on the tips of their toes? Some insight into the history of pointe work and the development of pointe shoes will help students understand what they are doing. Better understanding leads to better dancing!
400 year ago when ballets were first performed the audience was higher than the stage, looking down on the dancers. They couldn't really see the dancers' feet...and only men were allowed to perform.
Stages changed, the performers were on a raised platform and the audience could see their feet.
340 years ago the first women were allowed to dance but their costumes were big and cumbersome.
290 years ago in Paris Marie Camargo introduced a new step, the entrechat. She shortened her skirts so that people could see her feet and she removed the heels from her shoes so that she could jump higher.
230 years ago "flying machines" (wires) in London theatres helped ballerinas to dance on their toes.
210 years ago dancers were busy improving their pirouettes and jumps, and trying to find ways to stand on their toes without wires. They could do it but their effort was very obvious to the audience.
190 years ago Marie Taglioni, after rigorous training with her father, made her debut in Paris dancing on pointe in a way that looked effortless, and was an integral part of the choreography, not just a tricks added to the dances.
Taglioni's performance in La Syphide is considered the beginning of the Romantic period in dance. Romantic ballerinas danced on pointe to portray ethereal and other-worldly creatures. They appeared weightless and able to fly.
Dancers were improving their technique as shoemakers were improving the shoes.
140 years ago Pierina Legnani performed 32 fouettes on pointe in Swan Lake.
During the Classical period in ballet (1885~1910) ballerinas danced on pointe to show strength and virtuosity.
Technique and shoes continued to get stronger; tricks on pointe got more amazing.
110 years ago Anna Pavlova wowed audiences by how long she could dance on pointe in her famous dance, The Dying Swan.
90 years ago the Baby Ballerinas of the Ballets Russe de Monte Carlo were performing feats such as 64 fouettes and 6 pirouettes (when still only teenagers).
Tricks on pointe appeared on Broadway and in Hollywood. Toe tap became a national craze. Harriet Hoctor was famous for her bourrees in back bend, and toe tap dance on an escalator.
70 years ago George Balanchine's New York City Ballet was founded. Balanchine's choreography emphasised the line of a ballerina's leg on pointe. Neo-Classical ballet was born and women were now dancing on pointe for aesthetic reasons as well.
So, dancing on pointe can make a ballerina look ethereal, strong, and beautiful.
...but 100 years ago some dancers rebelled against the unnaturalness of pointe work. They danced about real life dressed in simple costumes, often barefoot. This was the beginning of modern dance.
I find it very interesting that all of the important choreographers of the Romantic, Classical and Neo Classical ballet (who demanded that women dance up on their toes) were men...and the pioneers in modern dance (who brought women back down off pointe) were women!
I wonder what dancing on pointe will be like for ballerinas in the future...
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When did a pianist first play for ballet class?
400 years ago dance teachers were expected to be able to play the violin and so provide the music for their students themselves.
This painting by Degas of ballet class at the Paris Opera (about 150 years ago) is intriguing. A violinist is playing for class but he is sitting on a piano stool…so there must have been a pianist for class or rehearsals sometimes.
We are a going a through a change now from piano to recorded music. CD players, especially ones that can adjust the speed of the music, have made it easier for teachers to use recorded music and there is wonderful selection of CDs available in the stores.
However, having occasional chances to dance to live music is invaluable for students! The musician and the students communicate with each other in a way that cannot happen with recorded music.
Pianist: Tomoko Inaba (10th Yokohama Ballet Intensive)
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フランス国王ルイ14世は1639年から1715年まで生き, 生涯ダンスを愛しました。
1661年には世界初のバレエ学校を 開校し、1700年には、最初のバレエステップのマニュアルが 出版されました。
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