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Injuries in English ケガ

2021-09-06 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price


Because dance is a physical activity there is always a risk of injury. I hope you don’t get injured but, just in case, you should know the words used to talk about injuries.


Because dance is a physical activity there is always a risk of injury. I hope you don’t get injured but, just in case, you should know the words used to talk about injuries. First let’s review a few anatomical words:



bones 骨


joints 関節


muscles 筋肉


ligaments 靭帯


What are some common injuries that dancers get?



Sprain 捻挫

A sprain is a sudden stretching or tearing of ligaments. The most common place to have a sprain is the ankle.



Fracture 骨折、破損

When a bone is broken it is called a fracture. We can also simply call it a break.

骨が折れることを骨折といいます。単純にbreak (折れる)と呼ぶこともあります。


Stress Fracture 疲労骨折

If a bone slowly cracks over time because of repeated pressure it is called a stress fracture.



Muscle Tear 筋肉断裂

A muscle tear can also be called a "pulled muscle”. Some of the muscle tissue is damaged. Often this happens when the dancer moves without good control or has not warmed up properly.



Bruise 打撲、アザ

A bruise is caused when something hits the body. Usually it is not a serious injury but it can be very painful. 



Cut 切り傷

A cut is an injury to the skin caused by a sharp object. How serious the cut is depends on where it is, how deep it is, and how much it is bleeding.



Graze すり傷

A graze is the result of scraping the skin. Young children often graze their knees and hands if they fall when they are running.



Take the quiz to find out if you can remember the names of the different injuries.


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Elements of Dance ダンスの要素

2021-09-06 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price


Dance can be broken down into elements or parts. In contemporary class you may be asked to focus on one element or combine several elements. 


Video Transcript

ビデオの字幕 & 翻訳


Dance can be broken down into elements or parts. In contemporary class you may be asked to focus on one element or combine several elements. 



Here is a list of elements.


center 中心

gravity 重力

balance バランス(平衡)

posture 姿勢

gesture 身振り手振り

rhythm リズム

breath 呼吸

moving in space スペース内での移動(空間移動)

time / speed 時間 / 速度

energy / effort エネルギー / 労力(努力、手間、作業、活動)


The list of elementsis like a list of ingredients for baking. You can make many different things from the same ingredients.



Here is a simple explanation of each element I have included on the list.



1/ center 中心

Find the center of your body and learn to move from that place. The location of your center depends on the proportions of your body. 



2/ gravity 重力

Feel the pull of gravity and learn how to work against it and with it.



3/ balance バランス

Feel that all parts of your body are connected. Using imagery is useful.



4/ posture 姿勢

Find good alignment of your body. Pay attention to your pelvis and spine. Place your feet well on the floor and support your head and shoulders.



5/ gesture 身振り

People can show feelings and ideas by using movements that are recognized anywhere in the world. Be aware of these movements to strengthen your power of communication as a dancer.  



6/ rhythm リズム

Good rhythm is essential for dance. Improve your rhythm by paying attention to the music. 



7/ breath 呼吸

You must breathe to live but, as a dancer, you can also use your breath to enhance your movement.



8/ moving in space スペース内で移動をする

When you dance you are in a place with objects and, maybe, other people. Be aware of what is around you and move through the space that is available. 



9/ time / speed 時間 / 速度

How long will you take to perform the step? How quickly or slowly will you move? Time and speed go together. 



10/ energy / effort エネルギー / 労力(努力)

Different movements need different levels of energy and effort. You can choose to do a movement intensely or loosely.



As you continue to explore these elements in contemporary dance class you will start to feel a difference in ballet class because the elements apply to all forms of dance.



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Exciting or Excited? I’m confused!「エキサイティング」か「エキサイテッド」?どちらを使うべき?

2021-09-04 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price






Exciting or Excited? I’m confused!


Saying "exciting" when it should be "excited" is a common mistake made by non-native English speakers.


Maybe this will help you remember. 


“ing” describes the thing. 

“ed” is in your head. 


This book about ballet is interesting.

Would I like to read this book about ballet? 

I’m interested!

The jet coaster is exciting!

I’m going to ride on the jet coaster. I’m excited! 

The Tokyo subway system is confusing.

I’m trying to find my way on the Tokyo subway. I’m confused!


Long train rides are boring.

When I ride on the train I am bored.


Here are some more adjectives that end with "ing" or "ed".


amazing    amazed

relaxing    relaxed

surprising    surprised

challenging    challenged


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Try this Ballet Crossword Puzzle!

2021-02-08 by ヘレン・プライス Helen Price

Test your knowledge of the names of characters in well known ballets.

Have fun!

download pdf here

Crossword Puzzle answer pdf

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Injuries in English ケガ

Elements of Dance ダンスの要素

Exciting or Excited? I’m confused!「エキサイティング」か「エキサイテッド」?どちらを使うべき?

Try this Ballet Crossword Puzzle!




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